Our beautiful, sprawling and safe campus, spread over 15 acres between the towns of Brummana and Roumieh, and 750 metres above sea level, offers fresh air, nature, security and of course panoramic views of the Lebanese coastline and Mediterranean Sea. Given the nature-rich campus, BHS grounds are being declared as a Botanical Garden.

Our Monitors and Staff members are the key to our success. We have young adults, both from Lebanon and abroad here to support all the children. They are diverse in background and skills, each contributing different talents and abilities to the team. Intensive pre-camp orientation and training of Monitors and Staff set the stage for a safe, healthy, fun and worthwhile BHS Summer Experience for all. If you wish to work as a Monitor, please fill THIS application Form and submit it to summer@bhs.edu.lb.
Your child’s safety is of prime importance. We aim to minimise the risk of accidents with close supervision and good safety precautions. For added assurance, a nurse is on duty at all times. A paediatrician is also available on call. Accident insurance, for the entire time your child is at the camp, is included in the fees. Parents should report any health issues to the BHSE Director.
BHSE only offers programmes which take place under total supervision and this is reflected by our impeccable safety records. During the free time that Boarding Campers have between activity periods and evening meals, they are always supervised by staff. This supervision extends throughout the night time and to excursions and village leave when our staff are always close by.
Reserving a Place:
- All reservations are made at the BHSE Office.
- No contract exists until the BHSE Office has received a signed Application Form and the required payment.
- No additions, cancellations, changes or promises may be made relating to these conditions unless authorised in writing by the BHSE Director.
Refund Policy:
If, due to circumstances beyond our control, e.g. government directive relating to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Summer Experience is not open throughout the advertised dates, parents will be entitled to a refund according to the following guidelines:-
- If a child is registered yet does not attend while the camp is open, there is no refund.
Parents’ Responsibility:
- Parents will be charged for any damage caused by their children to facilities, equipment, clothing or other property belonging to or leased by BHSE.
Campers’ Behaviour:
- Campers, while under full supervision of BHSC, are expected to comply with all rules and regulations. BHS absolutely prohibits the use of alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs.
- BHSE reserves the right to send any camper home or to his/her parents or guardian if, in the opinion of BHSE Director, the behaviour of the camper is incompatible with the general well-being of the camp due to his/her non-compliance with BHSE rules and regulations. In this case, no refund of camp fees will be considered.
- The BHS Camp is not responsible for the loss of any camper’s belongings.
REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT For further information and registration (from June 1st): please contact the Summer Experience Office or the Summer Experience Director, open Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 1:00pm. (+961 24 960 430 /1 /2 ext. 447 or +961 81285176)

Contact Information
Brummana High School Summer Experience
P.O. Box 36, Brummana, Lebanon
Phone: +961 24 960 430 /1/2 – Ext. 447 (Camp/Boarding) or Ext. 413 (Education) – +961 81285176
Fax: +961 24 961 225
Email: summer@bhs.edu.lb
Camp Director Email: director@bhscamp.com
WhatsApp: +961 81 285 176