BHSC 2021 Rules and Regulations

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our Summer Camp 2021. Our policy is based on clear communication with parents, which we hope will make the summer as enjoyable and free of worry as possible.

Accordingly, we would like to inform you of the following:

1-The Summer Camp is from 9:00 till 2:00 PM. every day. We can receive your child from 8:35 AM and we except children to leave at 2:10 PM

2-Visitors or Children that are not registered in the summer camp are not allowed on campus during the summer camp hours. For any exceptions, an approval from the summer camp assistants’ director (Sami Brakh) is required.

3- No child will be able to enter the camp after 9:30 AM or leave school campus before 1:00 PM. For any exceptions, approval from the summer camp assistant director (Sami Brakh) is required. In order for a child to leave campus early, they must present a written request from their parent or guardian.

4-No glass bottles or sharp objects are allowed on campus.

5-Parents who drop their children at the basketball court should remove their cars before 8:50AM. In the afternoon gates will open at 1:50 PM.

6- The BHS Summer camp is not responsible for any valuable lost items.

7- There will be no trips for the time being. We will notify you whenever any trips are planned later.

8-The first 2 days’ busses will leave between 2:30 PM and 2:40 PM in order to organize the camper’s bus destinations.

9-Swimming is not obligatory during the Summer Camp. Campers may swim according to their parents’ request.

10-Tokens will be used in summer camp in place of the cash and it will be purchased next to the cafeteria.

11- BANK PAYMENT: If payment is made in Brummana or Baabdat banks branches, no receipt is required. For any payment made in any other bank branches outside Brummana or Baabdat,a bank receipt is required.

12. It is mandatory that all children, monitors and drivers wear masks when they are on the bus.

For emergencies and inquiries please send a WhatsApp message to +961 71 204 243  and we will be happy to assist.

Summer camp Director
Rabih Aouad